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Mondays 4pm - 6.30pm SOCS_ UNBOXED Tuesd
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Socsbox live Programme Archive

Socsbox live Programme Archive

Socsbox live Programme Archive
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Hub Grub Episode 1

Hub Grub Episode 1

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Hub Grub Episode 2

Hub Grub Episode 2

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Hub Grub Episode 3

Hub Grub Episode 3

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The Big Question Week 1 final Video

The Big Question Week 1 final Video

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Format of the Shows:


The first hour will feature our guests & activities, For the second hour you can stay for fun & games in our chill room, each chill room, 


How to participate in the show.

The shows take place in an open zoom room, you are welcome to join, You can join in the activities or turn off your video and watch the fun. Please keep your mic on mute, unless invited by the host to unmute. You can join at any stage of the show, leave at any stage and return to the show. click here to see how to join a zoom meeting Please note the hosts reserve the right to remove anyone from the room. By joining the room you agree to our terms and conditions. In the room you can use the chat function to comment to everyone or privately to the host. If you wish to participate raise your hand, You can react by using the thumbs up, or hand clap icon, or post a question to the host in the chat. You can ask questions. If you are invited to speak please remember un-mute yourself. After the first half hour the show will be recored until the chill room starts, if you do not wish to appear on camera turn off your video. Note the guests and hosts will be on spotlight so it is their faces that will appear in the recording. DO NOT Post the zoom link on social media, when you enter you will be in a waiting room until admitted. 

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