University of Galway Student Life
students.universityofgalway.ie: The home of The University of Galway themed weeks, student events and all the latest on extra curricular activities.
In www.yourspace.nuigalway.ie you were able to join Societies & Sports Clubs. Now you are also able to sign up for a wide variety of extracurricular activities and supports. You will be added to their mailing list and get all the up to the minute info. Check out details on the numerous opportunities that are available to learn valuable skills, volunteer your time and gain recognition for your contribution through the NUI Galway Presidents Award.
January 01, 2020
ALIVE is NUI Galway's student volunteering programme dedicated to providing supports to students to engage in positive volunteering experiences. We help match student volunteers to the right roles, train student volunteers to gain the most from their experience, support and recognise student volunteers. We works with schools, charities, community organisations and within NUI Galway to provide volunteering opportunities in a wide variety of roles. We also reward your efforts with the NUI Galway Presidential Award for volunteering
Blackstone LaunchPad
January 01, 2020
Blackstone LaunchPad is a campus based entrepreneurship programme at NUI Galway. The programme is accessible by over half a million students globally. Blackstone Launchpad is designed to support and mentor students, staff and alumni - regardless of their subject, experience or discipline.
Cell Explorers
January 01, 2020
CÉIM is an academic peer support scheme for 1st year students studying Engineering, BA Law, and Geography. Groups of 1st year students meet weekly throughout the academic year with trained 2nd/3rd year Student Leaders. CÉIM sessions are student led and are about working in small groups to develop independent learning skills, gain a greater understanding of coursework, and meet people studying the same course. CÉIM is run by NUI Galway Students’ Union in collaboration with academic staff.
January 01, 2020
The Chaplains (known officially in the University as Deans of Chaplaincy Services) are appointed by the Governing Body of the University to support and give expression to the University's commitment to the development of the whole human person.
Inspired by the Christian vision of life, the Chaplains strive to promote respect for the dignity of each individual person within the University community. Within University structures, they report to the Vice-President for the Student Experience.
January 01, 2020
EXPLORE is a new initiative by the Students' Union and NUI Galway that offers students and staff the opportunity to work in equal partnership to enable sustainable innovation and change to take place on campus. Students and staff are invited to team up and work together on an innovative, sustainable project of their choosing over a period of two - five months. Up to €1,000 of funding is available for successful projects.
Flirt FM
January 01, 2020
Flirt FM 101.3 is Galway City's award winning Student, Community & Alternative Station, based in NUI Galway since September 1995. We're part of the 20+ member Craol Community Radio network. With two paid staff looking after operations and compliance, the station is home to up to 150 volunteers.
We're on FM 24hrs weekdays during term-time, and from afternoon to late night during college holidays. See our detailed schedule information on our website. Our programme policy is 60% Music (25% Irish), 40% Talk (20% of which is Current Affairs).
International Office
January 01, 2020
Study abroad in NUI Galway for Undergraduate and Postgraduate degrees as well as Semester/Year Abroad and the International Summer School. Learn how to apply to NUIG, about entry requirements as well as fees and finance. Information on Student Support concerning before you arrive, after you arrive and during your time here can also be found on the NUI Galway International Office website.
January 01, 2020
A place to imagine, learn, fail, make and remake. The MakerSpace in the library is open to all students and provides you with an environment to unleash your practical creativity. The MakerSpace contains a suite of PCs outfitted with high end design software, Arduino microcontrollers, Raspberry Pi computers, and 3D Printers. We also provide training sessions on the software and technologies available in the MakerSpace as well as digital art, video production, and much much more. We are all makers.
NovoVerse Undergraduate eJournal
January 03, 2023
NovoVerse is an new NUI Galway eJournal dedicated to publishing undergraduate student research. NovoVerse’s ethos to support students as researchers by promoting undergraduate research in the disciplines of higher education. All published research papers will be presented at the annual NUIG undergraduate research conference. NovoVerse is sponsored by a Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching research grant.
O'Donohue Centre for Drama and Theatre and Performance
January 01, 2020
The O'Donohue Centre for Drama and Theatre and Performance is a 117 seater Theatre with 4 rehearsal rooms. For booking ano of these spaces and the Bank of Ireland Theatre e-mail drama(at)nuigalway.ie.
As well as drama student production we also present a programme of theatre performace and related conferences and music events throughout the year.
January 01, 2020
Galway P4C is co-ordinated by staff and post- graduate students from the Philosophy department at NUIG. We work with groups of undergraduate students who are trained in the pedagogy Philosophy for Children (P4C) to place them in schools that want to trial the scheme with their students.
Student Connect Mentoring
January 01, 2020
The Student Connect Mentoring Programme provides a friendly introduction to NUI Galway for first year students. Existing students are tasked with ensuring the fluent integration of incoming First Years into university life. This voluntary programme will assist First Years with any transitional needs and mentors will be a go-to person for any problems they may have or assistance they may require. The Student Connect Mentoring Programme is an invaluable component of student services and its success relies on the contribution of Connect volunteers.
The President's Award
January 01, 2020
The ALIVE Certificate has two aims:
First and foremost, we want to reward all the time and effort students put into societies, sports clubs, campaigns, committees, volunteering, community engagement, Mentoring, Class Reps, student radio, and everything else that isn't degree-related, all your extra-curricular activities.
Secondly, employers note that students have a lot of fantastic experience but don't know how to talk about it in interviews and application forms. So, NUI Galway has developed the ALIVE Certificate for Volunteering. This is your chance to tell us what you have been doing, and get the recognition you deserve!
Undergraduate Research Conference
January 01, 2020
Academic Engagement: Students partner staff to enrich academic community
The undergraduate NUI Galway undergraduate research conference seeks to:
• Engage students and staff in a collaborative multidisciplinary research environment nurturing vital research skills in presentation, communication and dissemination
• Strengthen student research in a safe, supportive environment that will provide avenues for feedback to students on their research as well as boost confidence in ability to carry out rigorous research
• Enable student research voice
University of Sanctuary
January 01, 2020
Welcome to the University of Sanctuary Campaign!
Our collaborative campaign seeks to create, nurture, and maintain a migrant-friendly environment on campus, especially for those in Direct Provision and beyond! We will do this by increasing public awareness of the ongoing refugee crisis amongst the student body, along with advocating for the introduction of fee waivers and bursaries for those in Direct Provision, all in an effort make NUI Galway a much more inclusive and equitable campus.
Who is involved?
So far, some groups which are involved include - the Fáilte Refugees Society, the Students' Union, Amnesty International Galway, Galway One World Centre (GOWC), Galway Anti-Racism Network (GARN), the Galway Integration Consortium, Community Knowledge Initiative and ALIVE.
What do you do?
Some projects planned for this year include - public awareness events, official launch in January, guest speaker events, interactive workshops, language exchange classes, shared cultural events, and many more. We will be undertaking an official national standard of steps to achieve the “University of Sanctuary” status.
How do I join?
All welcome to be involved. Sign up to our mailing list via yourspace.nuigalway.ie Log in with your student id and password and select “Campaign for University of Sanctuary” in the drop down list in “Services” to join us.
NUIG Employability Award
January 01, 2020
This award is designed to give you the opportunity to increase your employability skills by
getting recognition for your work experience and leadership roles
developing your skills for work
articulating what you can offer to future employers
To complete the Award for Employability you must
Attend a introductory workshop & register to complete the award
Complete your experience hours (40 hrs experience)
Attend at least ONE employer led event - see Careers Connect for events
Attend at least TWO career workshops - see Careers Connect for events
Complete & submit your CV and self-reflection
Award Launch Skills Week 7: Oct 16th - 20th